ES le Grange School in Potchefstroom is a school for physically- and mentally handicapped children, children who are unable to function in a mainstream school. Our goal with every learner is to help each child reach their maximum potential. We try to reach these goals by means of special educational methods and adaptations. We focus on the development of fine- and gross motor skills, language- and number skills, as well as personal care.
Since 1905, The High School for Girls Potchefstroom has encouraged girls to follow their dreams by offering opportunities for life. Educating girls is a great responsibility and privilege. Our mission is to ensure that every girl becomes the best that she can be. Stories of individual challenge, persistence and achievement are testimony to the philosophy of Girls High and I am extremely proud to be the Headmistress here.
Die Hoër Volkskool Potchefstroom is ‘n gebalanseerde skool waar die hoogste opvoedingstandaarde gehandhaaf word sodat afgeronde leerders vir die samelewing voorberei kan word. Die skool is gegrond op Christelike waardes en deur alle rolspelers te betrek, word die leerders holisties bevorder deur die optimale gebruik van menslike, finansiële en fisiese hulpmiddels.
Fikadibeng is a Primary School schools specialising in Comprehensive. The schools is based in Potchefstroom, North West, South Africa.
Die Hoër Volkskool Potchefstroom is ‘n gebalanseerde skool waar die hoogste opvoedingstandaarde gehandhaaf word sodat afgeronde leerders vir die samelewing voorberei kan word. Die skool is gegrond op Christelike waardes en deur alle rolspelers te betrek, word die leerders holisties bevorder deur die optimale gebruik van menslike, finansiële en fisiese hulpmiddels.
Die Hoër Volkskool Potchefstroom is ‘n gebalanseerde skool waar die hoogste opvoedingstandaarde gehandhaaf word sodat afgeronde leerders vir die samelewing voorberei kan word. Die skool is gegrond op Christelike waardes en deur alle rolspelers te betrek, word die leerders holisties bevorder deur die optimale gebruik van menslike, finansiële en fisiese hulpmiddels.
The vision of Die Wilge High School (LSEN) is to holistically educate all learners in the school to their optimum potential.
Onderlinge respek vir die kulturele diversiteit van ons samelewing gekweek en waardes voorgehou wat met ‘n menseregtekultuur geassosieer word.
Kleuterskool vir kinders tussen 4 jaar en graad R.
Laerskool Baillie Park is verbind tot verantwoordbare opvoeding. Alle opvoedings aktiwiteite, akademie, sport en kultuur geskied vanuit Christelike geloofsoortuiging wat as grondslag en vertrekpunt dien. Ons onwrikbare vertroue in die sinvolheid en noodsaaklikheid van die opvoeder se bemoeienis met die opvoeding, dien as krag en motivering vir Laerskool Baillie Park se ideale.
Laerskool M.L. Fick is ‘n toekomsgerigte Christelike skool waar almal getrou saam werk.
in Van Riebeeck straat, Potchefstroom.
Waar ouers en onderwysers mekaar met agting, dankbaarheid, erkenning, begrip en samewerking met betrekking tot die kind se opvoeding aanvul, verkry die kind ‘n belangrike voorsprong ten opsigte van sy ingesteldheid teenoor sy werk, gesag en menslike verhoudings. By Laerskool Mooirivier streef ons veral daarna om ‘n oop verhouding tussen ouers en onderwysers te hê.
Potchefstroom Central School is an English Medium Primary School with ideals based on strong Values. We adhere to the traditions of the school, which have been upheld for many years, but in keeping with the spirit of change and advancement we acknowledge, and respect other religions and cultures. The motto of our school is “I Serve”, which incorporates the service of the school to the community, the Educators to the service of the holistic development of the learners, and the service of the learners, to show their respect for the school which will equip them with a sense of balance, a deep respect for others and a will to strive towards excellence.
By Gimmies is elke leerder belangrik en daarom fokus ons op die optimale ontwikkeling van elke individu se potensiaal, vaardighede en talente. Daar is dus ‘n plek vir enige leerder in Gimmies. Ons leerders gee om vir mekaar en vir die gemeenskap en is bekend vir die feit dat hulle saamstaan deur dik en dun.
PHSB. College. Where boys become gentlemen with the values of respect, service and commitment. A school with a heart. We pride ourselves on guiding boys on their journey to becoming well-rounded young gentlemen, who embrace our values of respect, service and community
Seiphemelo Secondary School is a public secondary school. In 2014 there were 942 registered learners.
Thuto-Boswa Secondary School is a public secondary school. In 2014 there were 1071 registered learners.